Saturday, March 28, 2020

Coronavirus Homeopathic Update Straight from Hong Kong!

Homeopathic doctors from Hong Kong today reviewed cases with naturopathic and homeopathic doctors from around the world. Theses are case studies followed up by initial epidemiologic study of homeopathic prophylaxis in Hong Kong.  This is what they found for patients who tested positive for COVID 19:   (caveat--these were outpatients who were ambulatory presenting to clinic, generally younger than 40, healthy)

-homeopathic principles must of course be followed such as:
            1. take the case for each patient (different patients may require different remedies)
            2. the strength of the dose should match the strength of the symptoms in the case
            3. homeoprophylaxis does work to decrease cases

The top remedies for Hong Kong (compiled from 18 COVID positive patients) were:

Gelsemium--symptoms are slow onset of chill, lethargy, mind stupefication, no thirst, cough worse at night, tickling in the throat, involuntary urination with cough

Bryonia--slow on set of symptoms, chill without fever, stupification, weakness, desire to be alone, increased thirst for lots of cold water, tickling in the throat, headache increases with cough, difficulty breathing worse at night and worse with motion (wants to lie still). Bryonia follows Gelsemium well so it is not surprising that these are the two top remedies showing up together.

Arsenicum--symptoms begin with diarrhea and vomiting, chill, nausea with smell of food and better temporarily from vomiting. Minimal cough.  This could be a good remedy for those presenting to hospital or a good remedy for the elderly

Eupatorium perfoliatum--fever, severe myalgia, cough. The back feels like it is broken. No thirst, mild cough

Homeoprophylaxis was then used in thousands of people with very good results in terms of preventing infection (or at least preventing symptoms as asymptomatic people were not tested). Gelsemium and Bryonia were the homeopathic prophylaxis remedies used. In Macau where up to 50% of the population used homeoprophylaxis there were only 10 COVID cases in a population of over 622,000 where there are visitors arriving from mainland China daily!
For prophylaxis what was given was once weekly (or daily for known contact with infected case) 30c dose in water. Remember, these suggestions are based on epidemiologic facts as we have them now. Full and complete studies have not been completed. The CDC does not support the use of homeopathic prophylaxis for COVID or any other illness.

Homeopathy is a great treatment to give during the time between a sample is taken from the patient and a test result comes back.  Even in Hong Kong they experienced 7-10 days before they got results from the lab. As hospitals and even doctors are not allowed to give precious new potential treatments to patients with only mild to moderate symptoms, homeopathy is really one of the best options we have at the moment. It can be combined with vitamin or herbal therapies (as long as herbals are given at a different time or in capsules).

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